It seems unbelievable that our eyes can change color just by knowing what we eat. Rumors has it! It has a diet that contains these foods that can do wonders for your eyes. The reports show a noticeable change in color, saturation, brightness, and lightness.
The uva ursi plant can be used in tea to treat multiple problems. It is also said to be a fast-acting tea that calms you instantly. This will give your eyes an automatic brighter appearance. Plus, it’s very clean so you’ll probably find yourself feeling more yourself! Spinach Spinach is a superfood that is loaded with iron, zeaxanthin and carotenoids lutein. Together, these have been suggested to be eye altering. Aside from promoting healthy skin and hair, spinach is a vital food that is sure to liven up your eyes. Peanuts Raw peanuts especially are good for your eyes. Although higher in fat than most nuts, they have eye-lightening powers. Besides, peanuts are the world’s favorite nut! Even children prefer them to others. Just make sure they’re raw.
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Honey Despite popular belief, honey in its natural form is really good for you! It promotes good health by giving you something nothing else can and its sugars have been known to lighten your eyes over time. But it’s important to eat honey in its raw form, not processed. Ginger Not only does ginger prevent tumor growth, ease aches, and lessens the effects of chemotherapy. But it has been suggested that those who add it to their diet have experienced a slow change in eye color. But why wouldn’t it? It is famous for its healing properties. Chamomile Chamomile Tea is one of the greatest gifts that nature has given us. Chamomile automatically lowers the amount of stress hormones in your body. When this happens, our eyes take on a warmer hue, giving them an apparent color change. Beef Beef is so high in protein that it can do nothing but affect our whole body! Not to mention the zinc and magnesium. Plus, the energy that is received from beef will last you for a lot longer than from carbs. This will give your eyes a more vital look.
Fish is said to contain two key vitamins and minerals that affect eye color. Like beef, it contains tons of Magnesium. But it also is packed with Phosphorous. But don’t worry, while your eyes change, you won’t be faced with fish eyes! Chicken Much like beef and fish, chicken contains all sorts of minerals and vitamins that will keep your eyes alive, vital, and going for longer. So adding chicken to your diet is a good move for long term change. It may be slight, but it is likely present. Olive Oil Olive oil is a life changer. There are so many benefits that it is a must of anyone. But among its many benefits is said to be the power to give your eyes a softer, more delicate shade. Don’t believe it? Ask people from the Mediterranean. Almonds- Almonds are by far the healthiest nuts! While you must be careful with raw almonds, they have low, calories, healthy fats, high proteins, and minerals that have been known to gradually lighten your eye color.
Walnuts Like peanuts and almonds, walnuts are packed with all sorts of goodies your body will love. So add them to your nut mix for optimum results and you might notice a slight lightening to your eye color sooner than you’d expect. Onions Onions do more than just make your eyes water. The plant does wonders for your skin, hair, and even eyes. Studies have shown that a diet with regular onion consumption shows a progressive change in eye color. It may take a while, but in the meantime, it’s great for your skin! Raw Fruit Raw fruit is nothing but good for you. That’s why it is said to brighten your eyes with all of the nutrients it holds. If you will notice those on a raw food diet will have naturally brighter, livelier eyes than those who aren’t. Raw Veggies-That’s right! Raw veggies are one of the only things healthier than raw fruit. Like fruit, veggies are packed with body changes nutrients and are key to changing Shrimp Like fish, shrimp is full of minerals that have been known to affect eye color. Most seafood is loaded with magnesium and other eye-altering substances, and shrimp is not to be excluded. It may not be as healthy as fish, but it is a contender. Carrots Carrots! It has been proven on more than one occasion that an excess in orange foods is sure to affect the color of your skin. Some eve say it will turn your eyes a different color too. But even if it doesn’t, your orange skin will contrast your eyes anyway! Eggs Packed with protein, eggs are another great bet if you want an eventual eye transition. Add it to your diet along with these other foods and you will most likely see some sort of lightening or hue change in time! Chocolate Did you know that chocolate makes you feel good? Of course, you did!
Did you know why? Because chocolate releases a hormone called serotonin in your body. This hormone will enlarge your pupils and give you a smaller iris. Which in turn, will make your eyes appear deeper and darker!
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