Monday, April 5, 2021

Being Sensitive as a Parent During Pandemic

Parenting is not easy because it carries with a lot of responsibility because they have that family responsibilities that they take into account so that their family can be happy if every member of the family follows each-responsibility. And that will happen when every head of the household is the first to set an example to his family member. The father will provide for the home financially.The mother is the one to raise their children to discipline so that their children grow up with self -respect and naturally have respect for their parents. But unfortunately due to many circumstances some parents are not very well tracked in the upbringing of their children for a number of reasons. One of those is the financial need that they can rarely talk to their children less connection to each other and they cannot always monitor their children.They prioritize material or financial business. Especially now in dealing with pandemic crisis. That’s why their kids become independent and become alone at home and their constant companion is just the gadget and friends online and playing online with their classmate. 

This situation is dangerous because their partner online is influenced by uncontrollable online games and it is often even brutal that game that can influence their younger age. Some even because maybe over -playing will damage their body and make it even more painful and serious illness. That is why as parents we should really watch over our children and make sure they are okay that away from temptations that can harm themselves. And perhaps our children are closer to their associates than we are, and it has a huge impact on us as parents because it is dangerous when emotions are touched by it. Parents need to examine their children's every move. Consideration is really up to every parent. That’s what one father Wenceslao experienced who because of their busyness as parents only wanted the future of their children but later they found out that was lacking because they couldn’t always monitor the situation. They realized that it was not enough that they only considered financial will but also the emotion of their children.


The report that one of my son’s best friends died after committing suicide hit me like a thunderbolt. “Wenceslaoadded”. I don’t know the details of the story but my son has obviously been affected, crying and keeping to himself. With my wife busy with her work and me tending to our little sari-sari store, we now hope that my son’s older brother will heed our admonition to monitor his brother’s movement and watch over him. My wife checked my son’s cell phone for conversations he had with his friends, especially during the lockdown at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. That was when face-to-face classes were suspended and my sons were cooped up in their rooms with their gadgets. My sons spent their elementary level education days in a private school but transferred to a science school in our place partly because we could no longer afford the tuition. I used to bring my sons to school so I knew their schoolmates and had their parents as nodding acquaintances. It was during their fifth year in school when my son forged a deeper friendship with some of his batchmates and they bonded by conversing using the English language. That bond was carried over to their high school years and even when they were no longer seeing each other physically. Their bonding had shifted online. I knew my younger son was with his old schoolmates when he talked in English and laughed with his now changed voice in front of the computer or while in bed with his cell phone. At times, his voice could be heard by neighbors who may have found it strange because only his older brother was with him in the house and he was always in his room on the upper floor. But my son’s older brother was not also immune from these quirks. He plays his cell phone audio rather loudly and at times laughs hysterically too. My younger son and his friends sometimes converse while playing online games. I would hear him shout, “I’m dead!” which attests to how brutal these online games are. Which remind me of my advice in the past to activists who seem to take war like it is a scene in a movie.


“In a real war, when you die, you die.” You don't get a reprieve after the director shouts, "Cut!" When my wife checked the cell phone of my younger son for old “convos,” she found out that suicide talk did intrude one time in it. And with their innocence, they talked lightly about it. It was what one might call "innocent banter." Who would have thought that something tragic would happen days later? I just hope my son would move on fast and in the process become more mature. He is a very sensitive child. I realized this when one time I reprimanded him and he took things deeply even as he owned up to his guilt. I have been careful in treating him since then. I didn't want him to feel guilt too much. We want to discipline him, true, but we must also be conscious of how much he can take emotionally. Especially during this pandemic when our kids are left in the house, sometimes on their own.

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